entity framework

The number of primary key values passed must match number of primary key values defined on the entity.Parameter name: keyValues

The number of primary key values passed must match number of primary key values defined on the entity.Parameter name: keyValues , someone asked me to explain?

The number of primary key values passed must match number of primary key values defined on the entity.
Parameter name: keyValues

number of primary key values passed must match number of primary key values



  public ActionResult Edit(long id)
          Department department = db.Departments.Find(id);
         if (department == null)
                return HttpNotFound();
            return View(department);


This error is happening when the entity table having more than one primary key value in the .edmx file. For that you should replace instead of “db.Departments.Find(id)” to the following db.Departments.SingleOrDefault(m=>m.DepartmentId==id). 

  public ActionResult Edit(long id)
        Department department = db.Departments.SingleOrDefault(m =>m.RecId == id);
            if (department == null)
                return HttpNotFound();
            return View(department);


When I tried to edit the record in asp.net MVC application. I got this error “The number of primary key values passed must match number of primary key values”. After changing the linq Query in the Edit Action. Finally, it works fine.

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